
Staff, children and their families will experience an environment where they know that their personal information is valued and protected.


  • To ensure that all photos are only used for appropriate purposes
  • To ensure that children’s photos can’t be shared on Facebook
  • To ensure that staff are protected from accusations by adhering to this policy


  • All members of our private Facebook Page whose children no longer attend will be deleted from the group
  • All photos on staff phones or devices are to be used for learning stories, displays, or the Centre’s Facebook page only
  • When photos have been used they should be either transferred to Documents/photos on the Centre's computer or deleted
  • Any staff member who uploads children’s photos to their personal page on Facebook without permission will be disciplined according to our policy
  • Photos uploaded to our public Facebook Page will be group photos only and no names will be mentioned
  • All staff member and child private information and records will be kept in a locked cupboard
  • The Centre Manager / Office Manager will shut the office door when discussing sensitive matters with parents or staff; staff will be made aware not to enter the office if the door is closed